Material and Publications

Brochure ÜBER LEBEN (About life/"Survival")

Yazidi (Ezidi) women who escaped from captivity from so-called IS were brave to talk about the brutal violence they experienced. Women for Justice e. V. did 12 interviews between December 2017 and March 2018 with Yazidi (Ezidi) women in Qamishli (Rojava), Sinjar (Northern Iraq) and in Baden-Württemberg Region (Germany). By telling their stories and allowing us to take them for an exhibition, these women not only demand justice before courts but also want the world to understand what happened. They want to avoid that anyone can deny the atrocities. Also, they want to inform that the Genocide is still ongoing, that family members are still in captivity. These are stories of harm and strength. They hope for rehabilitation, justice, human rights, international support and peace for all Yazidis (Ezidis) and other people in the world struggling to survive. Yazidi (Ezidi) women ask for support in their struggle to become strong to demand and receive justice.

The brochure can be ordered by sending an email to

Calendar "Ziyaretên Êlihê" Yazidi (Ezidi) holy places in Êlih available

After many months of research and design work, it is now ready: the photo calendar on Yazidi (Ezidi) holy sites in Êlih (Turkey). For each holy place, the page includes pictures and small texts in Kurdish about them and their history and significance.
We have noted important Yazidi (Ezidi) holidays in the calendar, and the names of the months are shown bilingually in Kurdish-German. Thus, the Din A 3 – monthly calendar with the diverse photographs and drawings is also for all without Kurdish knowledge something beautiful.
For a contribution towards expenses of 5€ per calendar and 5€ flat rate for shipping, they can be ordered from us by email to

Merchandise from Women for Justice

In 2022, we were able to have bookmarks, pads, pens, cloth bags and magnets printed thanks to funding from the filia Women’s Foundation. The material can be ordered from us by email, just like our brochures.

Brochure Yazidis and the ongoing genocide

2021, members of Women for Justice e. V. visited a group of Yazidi (Ezidi) survivors in Brandenburg several times. In addition to social exchange, interviews were also conducted, which have now been published in a brochure.

We have compiled general information about the city, country and people of Sinjar in the German-language brochure. It also contains several chapters on the Yazidi (Ezidi) faith, religious lifestyles and rites, and current living conditions in the region. After an introductory account of the genocide-feminicide since 2014, four interviews are printed under the heading “Captured by “IS”: survivors report”.

If you are interested, you can order the brochure by sending an email to The printing was sponsored by the Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Berlin e. V.

Postcard: A tree as a gift for birth/baptism

– – Discontinued for the time being – –

A tree as a gift for birth/baptism: with the tree as an archetypal symbol for the imperishability of nature and life itself, a connection to nature and the eternal forces of life is developed. These elements, like human love, are universal Therefore, we have designed German language postcards that can be used to dedicate a tree in Sinjar for a baptism or the birth of a child.

Information booklet on destroyed temples in Sinjar

After extensive research, interviews and visits to destroyed temples on site, the booklet „Aufbauende Erinnerungen. Ezid_innen und durch den Islamischen Staat zerstörte heilige Tempel in Shingal“ (“Reconstructing Memories. Yazidis and sacred temples destroyed by the Islamic State in Sinjar”) has been printed. The booklet is available in German and Kurdish. It can be ordered simply by sending an e-mail.

German language information brochure about our work

Our German language information brochure has been published. On 20 colored pages we as Women for Justice e. V. present our different works and projects, the situation in Sinjar, the Yazidi (Ezidi) faith as well as the motivation and background of our activities. All texts are accompanied by photos and maps, so that a vivid impression of our manifold activities can be created.

Have look at it here.

You can order it via Email

Short info flyer about Women for Justice e. V.

In a new and updated edition we have now published our short info flyer. It is available in German and English, to provide brief information about the work of Women for Justice e. V.

You can order it via Email

Touring Exhibition ÜBER LEBEN (About Life/ „Surviving“)

Yazidi (Ezidi) women who escaped from captivity from so-called IS were brave to talk about the brutal violence they experienced. Women for Justice e. V. did 12 interviews between December 2017 and March 2018 with Yazidi (Ezidi) women in Qamishli (Rojava), Sinjar (Northern Iraq) and in Baden-Württemberg Region (Germany). By telling their stories and allowing us to take them for an exhibition, these women not only demand justice before courts but also want the world to understand what happened. They want to avoid that anyone can deny the atrocities. Also, they want to inform that the Genocide is still ongoing, that family members are still in captivity. These are stories of harm and strength. They hope for rehabilitation, justice, human rights, international support and peace for all Yazidis (Ezidis) and other people in the world struggling to survive. Yazidi (Ezidi) women ask for support in their struggle to become strong to demand and receive justice. The exhibition was created with support by Deutscher Frauenring e. V. and UN Women Nationales Komitee Deutschland.

You can order it via Email

Thanks to the financial support of our public relations work by filia. die Frauenstiftung, we are currently in the process of bringing the exhibition into a digital format as well.
The exhibition has already been translated into English. We are looking for an interested partner to show the exhibition in English-speaking countries.